Miss Mercy Interview

Bham Music Blog chops it up with the multi-tasking Miss Mercy read today as she speaks on her three hustles & Why its time for Birmingham to unite.Read now an post comments and your thoughts today.

1.How is everything?

Everything is great, I'm good & I'm blessed.

2.What are you currently in studio working on? I'm working on my mixtape Miss Mercy "JasmineSantana".

3.How long have you been rapping? Since 2005

4.What was your inspiration in getting into music?

Every since I was a child I knew I was going to be an entertainer, when I was in school playing sports my two older brothers was into music & watching them inspired me.

5.When can fans expect your new project?

I'm juggling various projects at this time but by the end of the year I'm goin to hit you hard.

6.So you do events & promotions as well,tell readers how long you been doing that?

I've been doing promotions & events since summer 2009

7.What clubs are you currently working with and speak on the events?

I'm working on another fashion show as well as an artist showcase Who"s The CRUNKEST artsist Showcase 2 Last Man/ Last women Standing,& I will be doing work with Club Flight really soon.

8.So which do you like doing more rapping or event hosting?

Easy, rapping

9.I've seen you doing numerous photo-shoots as well,How is the modeling side of the game going for you?

It's going pretty good, it helps me with my stage performance & I love being on stage. Music Is My Passion But Fashion Is A Must.

10.What's you best asset on your body for our male reader/viewers you feel?

My best assest guys...is my soft natural round booty.

11.Out of all 3 hustles, which would you prefer more to do as a career?

Rapping, I love to express myself, I love to be on stage, I love to entertain.

12.Whats currently in works for RapWives of Bham and whats Rap Wives mission?

Nina Labelle she have a lot in store for everyone Rap Wives & fans. Our mission is to bring the female mc, the girlfriends, wives & etc of the m.c together to support & show our hardwork & to stand behind Bham artist.

14.How do feel about the music & entertainment industry here in Bham, Alabama?

It's getting better but we still have to work on the negativity & stop hating on another artist when we all trying to make it. It's time to unite & work together.

13.How can fans contact you & promoters contact you for show bookings & more?

They can book me @ missmercy.nomercy@gmail.com, follow me on Twitter, FB me MissMercy Crum or MissMercy JasmineSantana

13.Any Shout-Outs?

Before I give a shout out I wanna thank God & my Mother. I wanna give a shout out to to my family O.C.F Records, DivaFied Inc I love my Girls "true Divas", my sister Real Rap Wives, Fame Hause Models, Jd Smoked Ham, All Or Nothing Promotions,Bham Music Blog, Birmingham Step Out Magazine, My boys over at Dome Call Records, everyone who support me & last but not least I can't do it without them my FANS!!

14.Any final words or words of wisdom to the masses?

Go for your dream, do your best & let God do the rest.

Miss Mercy
Bham Music Blog


Anonymous said…
Miss Mercy Grind to the Fullest! Oh yes SO Successful Legoooooo
Miss Mercy said…
Naimah thank u fam we both go hard

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