Eskimo Joe Interview

Bham Music Blog sits down to talk with Birmingham,AL.own Eskimo Joe,check out interview today as he speaks on what he has in store for 2011.

1Whats goin on? (Eskimo Joe)

Koolin Koolin,Koolin...

2.What are you currently working on?

Well I'm putting the final touches on the double disc,Eskimo Joe LL Cool Joe and I have started recordn for the follow up " G. I. Joe"

3.When can fans expect project?


4.Who are some of the artist/producers you worked with on the project?

C- beazy, M- 16, Big Gunt, Young Lokee, Hoodzone, Black Montana, Lakail, Young Pj, King Cato, M- ques, T- Peso , Fitz

5.Doing the number of shows that you are,what song are fans loving the most?

Cookie Print and Krazy that Cookie Print come on and they go Krazy lol

6.What have you learned the most in last couple of years being in music business?

Neva burn bridges, and if you believe in something stick with it cuz u neva wanna be like I wonder if I woulda did dis like this or that away what woulda happened.

7.What are you looking forward to in 2011?

The release of my first solo album and branching out into other markets.

8.Whats holding not just Birmingham but Alabama back from expanding and getting to that next level in your eyes?

The people themselves because a lot of people talk the talk, about what they think it'll take for Alabama to really get in the game but few actually walk the walk. They say this and that when everybody is around but as soon as they walk away whateva they just said is not put into action and me personally I'm tired of hearing it. People need to be a verb and show sum action.

9.How can fans or promoters contact Eskimo Joe?

10.Any last words for fans and people reading this?

Shoutout 2 everybody that has supported Eskiimo Joe from the beginning to the present, Shoutout 2 everybody in Alabama that's really trying to do sum in the state. Shoutout to all promoters, club owners, and people who have booked me (I love yall) Shoutout 2 all djs that play my music or have place it on mixtapes. Shoutout 2 all my fans young and old (I love yall 2) Shoutout 2 my kids I do dis 4 yall and shoutout 2 you K.Bibbs for taking tyme out 2 interview me I salute you and all your tryn 2 do for the state. LL Cool Joe Eskiimo Joe is on da way people!!!!!

Bham Music Blog:K.Bibbs
Artist:Eskimo Joe


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